人力资源解决方案团队直接招聘, 五个领域的合同和合同招聘职位: accounting and finance, executive administrative, human resources, information technology, and LBMC执行人才. 我们安排的候选人范围很广,从高级管理人员到初级员工.
如果你正在寻找一个专门的职位, 请今天就明升体育app下载的顾问, 我们会帮你找到最合适的.
The LBMC Staffing 解决方案 direct hire service approach is very collaborative and transparent. 我们有稳定性, credibility and a proven reputation of the highest level of ethics and confidentiality. Our job market knowledge and extensive relationships provide unique access to opportunities for talented individuals who are ready to step in and make an immediate impact.
The executive recruiters at LBMC Staffing 解决方案 are seasoned professionals who take a consultative approach when working with candidates in the direct hire process. We have assembled a group of talented individuals with diverse backgrounds and “real world” experience, 我们招聘的学科的教育和证书. This enables us to more thoroughly understand your experience, qualifications and career goals.
Contract placement for candidates can be a great solution if you are currently in between jobs or looking for more flexibility.
- 为合格任务补充主要医疗健康保险
- 直接存入-周薪
- 401(k)计划与匹配的合格任务
- 为合格的任务提供人寿保险
你喜欢变化吗?? Some employees are happy and comfortable working for the same company doing the same job for many years. 另一些人则感到无聊,需要做出改变来保持活力. 如果你喜欢多样化, 你可能是合同会计的候选人, but candidates seeking a diversity of roles are not the only people who benefit from consulting opportunities. If any of the following scenarios ring true, contract accounting might be right for you.
你在转型吗?? 也许你的职位因为重组或公司被收购而结束. 为你的下一站找到最合适的工作可能需要时间. Consulting is a great way to maintain an income while looking for your permanent home. 在你赚额外的钱的同时,获得接触新系统和结交新朋友的机会.
你喜欢挑战吗? 公司很少会在事情整洁稳定的情况下聘请顾问. Rather, 他们需要顾问来补上落后的工作, to improve processes in order to increase efficiency or to comply with new accounting standards. 有时他们需要有经验的人,而他们自己却没有, 或者他们只是需要一个额外的帮手或一个新的视角. If you relish the opportunity to problem solve, a consulting position might be right for you.
你想有所作为吗? 明升体育app下载一位顾问曾经说过:“我喜欢这份工作. 我知道明升体育app下载客户需要我的帮助. 我不仅仅是在给公司带来改变, but also to this manager’s quality of life by helping solve problems they don’t have time to address.如果这句话听起来很熟悉,那就去找一个合同会计的工作.
离开一段时间后,你会重返职场吗? 人们离开工作岗位的原因有很多. 无论是照顾家庭成员, 个人疾病或其他原因, 离开一段时间后重返职场可能会很困难. 你的信心可能需要提振, 雇主可能会犹豫,因为他们认为你的技能生疏了. A consulting assignment can not only rebuild your confidence, but also refresh your skill set. You might even consider a lower level assignment at first before you are ready to step into more challenging roles again.
你打算搬家吗? 如果你知道你要离开你的社区, 合同会计可以提供完美的短期解决方案. Working as a consultant can keep your skills sharp and your income coming in without making a long-term commitment to a hiring manager and company you cannot keep.
你是在寻求灵活性吗?? 需要灵活性的人,包括能够起飞旅行的人, to care for family members or other hobbies or interests is a great candidate for contract accounting.
合同会计为那些寻求多样化的人提供了一个充满机会的世界, 挑战, 以及职业道路的灵活性. 你是否发现自己处于过渡时期, 渴望新的挑战, 渴望产生有意义的影响, 重返职场, 计划搬家, 或者只是想要更大的灵活性, 会计方面的咨询职位可能非常适合你.
LBMC人力资源解决方案将引导您踏上这段激动人心的旅程. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore the countless possibilities that await you in the world of contract accounting. 立即明升体育app下载,为您的职业生涯迈出第一步. 您的未来正在召唤您,请使用LBMC人力资源解决方案.
LBMC人力资源解决方案是一个自豪的成员 美国财务会计协会(AAFA). AAFA是一个独立拥有的招聘公司的集合, 就像明升体育app下载, whose focus is on serving their region with the same search expertise we leverage for you in ours.
This professional affiliation not only gives us access to some of the best business owners in the recruiting industry, 但是被他们的市场收买了.
You can benefit from a direct introduction to groups we know who have the years of experience and insight to provide an exemplary resource during the complex process of relocating.
If you have accounting and finance recruiting needs that require local knowledge and the type of service and attention you’ve come to expect from LBMC Staffing 解决方案, we strongly suggest you give us the opportunity to leverage our contacts on your behalf.